Sunday, August 4, 2013

From the Hubby: Leaders Open Doors: 4 Stars

As I plan to do occasionally, this post is from my husband from a book he won on Goodreads:

Leaders Open Doors by Bill Treasurer

It seems nowadays, in any bookstore you step in, there might be countless books at any given moment speaking on how best the average individual might most easily reach their potential as a leader or master of business. The options are plenty yet I am willing to bet if you take a moment to page through them independent of one another, you might see a lot of the same information being dispensed in a variety of ways, all claiming to be original or innovative in their own right.

“Leaders Open Doors” is one of the few that can truly make a claim to be innovative.

The author cuts through the fog of how best to be a leader and gets straight to the heart of it. At barely 90 Pages, this small yet powerful book is a breath of fresh air in the congested world of “How-to” business and Management books. The chapters are short, the language plain yet still provides you with enough information to allow even the most novice of leaders feel empowered.

I have read countless business and management books yet I can honestly say this is one book that I would highly recommend. The concepts spoken of in the text are so simple, and should seem so obvious to anyone that spends a good deal of time working with people as a professions but the truth is, they are often overlooked. 

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